Note: Do not edit to accept 1 to 100, and therefore not simultaneous requests. The information contained in this article are for reference purposes only.
1 vs. 100 exhibitors single candidate against a crowd of 100, and if you think you can make the most of the 100 other, general knowledge, multiple-choice quiz, then this could be your ticket for a million dollars!
Figure 1 vs 100 application can be found on the casting page. Model requires Adobe Reader which can be downloaded for free. Print the form and fill it completely with black ink and write on the printed side of the page. You can add additional sheets of white paper to add, if you need more space.
Add the eligibility criteria clearly on the application form appear, please take some time and read carefully. Note age is slightly different from the one-to-100 for other shows. Here a short overview:
- Participants must be 9 years or more residing in the United States, and
- I, a member of the immediate family or anyone living in your home should not be from the show, network or any other company, which will be used with 1 to 100
- You should not run for public office and must agree, you stand in the elections for a full year from the date of the show the ambience
- Should not be a single candidate against 100
- You must be prepared to meet all approvals and waivers required to sign to appear on the program
Send what you need
Must be a request for 1 to 100:
- Completed and signed application form
- Dated and signed on behalf of the representation of the data and the transfer of rights (in the application download)
- Recent photos tagged you and your supporters - preferably two of each person, and full-body shot in the head
- A video of 5 minutes may you and your supporters
With the application form and the images, you have to make a 5-minute video of yourself, including the supporters want to work with you at the show. You must be a VHS tape or as MiniDV. The video begins and then say your name and hometown, what if he wins on the show with a million dollars.
Then, the content of the video is for you! Show your enthusiasm and interesting things about yourself, your work or play, and make sure that you describe exactly. He also says on page castings There are no right or wrong way to do it. Be yourself!
Make sure to wrap your complete video, and clearly marked.
Where to send
Once you are ready to go to your application, and send it to:
1 vs. 100
PO Box 1995
Culver City, CA 90232
To prepare appointed to deal with the crowds! Good luck!
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